Friday, June 1, 2012

War of the Teaser

I have had a hundred and one things on my mind lately which in return has not made writing very easy. Not to mention that at this very moment I am typing on a broken keyboard since my monster thought it would be funny to rip half the keys off, guess ill be making a trip to best buy tomorrow to see if they can fix it. Anyway as most of you know my goal is to have this book finished by the end of this year and even though I keep hitting snags that is still my plan. I have already started looking for an agent and am also searching for an illustrator for the children's book I have already finished. I was hoping with the kids being on summer break that I might have a little more time to get quite a bit of writing finished and so far that has not happened, though to be honest I have had the time. However I have spent a lot of time doing more thinking and reading then actual writing. So here I am taking a break from reading other peoples work to hopefully gain progress on my own, though at 2:30 in the morning with a 2 year old wide awake, I have to admit I'm not getting much done. Though I have managed to wage a war with myself on whether or not to release the first chapter of my book as a teaser. That being said I am here writing instead of concentrating on actual progress of the current chapter. I am really excited about how the book has come along so far that I am really wanting to share more with you all but at the same time thinking it may be to early to reveal a whole chapter. If only there was a way to make this decision easier......Oh wait, I know, how about I let you all decide. If your interested please take the moment to vote below.

To or Not To Reveal First Chapter free polls 

I will give voting a couple weeks and reveal or not reveal the first chapter based on the results. Happy voting and thank god I can leave this decision to all of you (especially since I still am wracking my brain for the right title). Which I hope will come along soon enough but until then it will be referred to as the Aleasa Ashling Novel. Well Good Night, I must be getting back to writing now.

Friday, May 11, 2012


It really amazes me how cold hearted and greedy people are nowadays. Well I guess it doesn't really amaze me the slightest....I would say it actually disgust me. Humans are suppose to be compassionate, they are suppose to want to make the world they live in more beautiful. Instead everywhere I turn, the hate and cruelty turns the world into a dark, terrifying place. Was there ever a time in history where there was no hatred, cruelty, or distraction. I myself can not think of one though maybe someone more adapt to history might be able to better answer that. I know there are good people and that if more people would stand up for what they believe than there might just be a chance to change something. However I also know that its impossible to rid the darkness from everyones hearts. Maybe they are to closed minded or we are just to open really doesn't matter. Hatred and love, cruelty and kindness, evil and good.....Its a losing battle no matter what side of the field you stand. Hatred, cruelty, and evil will never over come the love, kindness, and good and vise versa. They will play an endless game of tug a war, teeter tottering back and forth but never crossing that line.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Miserably failing

Ok so I have yet to advance any further in my book or at least the one I keep promising myself I'm going to finish by the end of the year. I have however written a short children's book that desperately needs illustrations. I was going to do them myself but not to sure I want to venture in that direction. That being said I could really use and illustrator so I can move on to finding a publisher. Which if anybody who reads this has any tips for acquiring an agent and publisher please let me know. Alright now I think it is time to get back to writing but before I go I would like to show you what has been keeping me away from my writing.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Busy Busy Days!!!!!

As you (my non existent/future followers) have probably gathered I have had over my share of things going on and though it should not effect my writing accomplishments............well lets just say I haven't had the time or energy to get any further then midway through chapter 2. However some how in between girl scouts, cheer practice, and well my kids in general.........I have finally finished the book description. I hope this small sneak peak intrigues you.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Post

So this is my first blog and although I have read peoples blogs before I have no idea where to start...........I think I'm going to start by telling you a little about myself and why I'm writing a blog! I am a 23 yr old stay at home mom of 4 of the worlds most awesome kids, which keeps my pretty busy and I have a pretty awesome husband too. I'm also a volunteer girl scout leader for my daughters troop, I babysit, and in my spare time I stay busy reading or writing my first book. Speaking of my first book..........I am hoping to share my journey through the writing process with this blog. I am currently in chapter 2 and am hoping to have the book completed before the end of this year. Although it will defiantly be easier to accomplish once I get a new laptop and can get some quiet time from the kids. Well there you go, now you know a little more about myself and if you continue to follow me you will find out more about my book.

Coming soon: Book Description